Monday 28 November 2011

Star Gazing

One chilly Winter's evening,
When twilight's end was nearing,
One by one, with no haste, the heavenly bodies blinked,
Down upon Earth, as darkness dawned and the stars winked.

Two young girls, wrapped up to their necks, in shawls,
Moved up to the terrace to hear the Heaven's calls,
They lay down on their backs and looked up,
At God's enchanting Creation, a most treasured setup.

They lay there and stared in awe,
As the clouds passing by, dressed and undressed the bright moon, they saw,
The star strewn night sky left them dazzled,
While the mystery of it's creation, left them baffled.

They were soon out of words to appreciate and admire,
Excitement crept up their minds like wild fire,
Stretched across the deep blue velvet sky,like scattered paint on canvas,
The beautiful scene had them entranced and ravenous.

The tranquility and serenity that the stars to them offered,
Left all the noise in their heads, muffled,
They were amazed at how simple things like wonderful scenery,
Could put them out of their deepest misery.

They gazed and gazed up above, despite the biting cold,
The shapes of Mermaids, Poodles, and snakes, they saw on a cloud,
Their enjoyment was beyond explanation,
For so stunning and striking was their vision.

Two young girls on a chilly Winter's evening,
Climbed up the terrace in pursuit of star gazing.

I lied

As i trawled through the pages of my life i found,
Truth has many facets to it,of which lies are profound.
I found, that behind the amiable facade, there was the unpleasant me,
Behind the face that smiled, there was a face, no one else could see.
I lied.

Bearing in mind the things that would affect the long run,
Sometimes to make someone laugh, sometimes, just for fun,
Most of the times, to save my neck and to survive,
Sometimes out of force, sometimes to thrive.
I lied.

To numb the pain for a while,
Or just to see a loved one smile,
Sometimes out of insecurity and confusion,
I altered the truth a little, also the vision.
I lied.

Yes, I modified the truth immensely, more or less,
Or I tried and failed miserably to justify, nevertheless,
To please people and myself,
By a mere choice of mine, or destiny's.
I lied.

To stop myself from faltering,
I shamelessly kept on altering,
To hide my flaws, i feigned emotions,
We are all fallible, I falsified true notions.
I lied.

In a due course of time though, to me it finally transpired,
Everyone lies and that it will prevail along with the truth, until all time expired,
They say thoughts leave deeper scarring than physical wounds, that is justifiable,
Lying, unless it fatally damages someone, is acceptable.

Sometimes, life is too good to be true,
Yes, I lied. We all do.

Sunday 27 November 2011


   There are times in life when you confidently think that you have had it all figured out. That feeling somewhere deep down in your heart, a feeling that everything will turn out as good as it all looks in your head. The craving, that your constant prayers will be finally answered to, that your dreams will soon materialise without any hassles. That people of your own, will understand you better, accept you for who you really are. Respect what you really want.
 To get one step closer to achieving success. To successfully swim past trouble. To keep a promise. To put things in order. To sleep peacefully past twilight. we all have these desires.
   But you see, call it life, destiny, fate or whatever you want to call it; it is always out of your league. It always dwells away, far away from deduction, science and mere guesses. It has got other plans for you. Even if it has to agree to your deepest desires, it has it's own way of obliging. All it takes is one swig of reality to bring you back out of your fantasy world, and make you face the music- the truth. The world where everything was once sugar coated, finally dissolves.
But it is at these moments of life that you are tested. This is when you have to gather up your guts,your bravery and loads of patience. They say things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. Except, its not always in the way we expect them to. Until then, you'll just have to wait in constant hope. 
   Hope that everything is going to be just fine in the end. Hoping that your lost treasure will be found in some dark corner that you haven't searched yet. Hoping that someone will come along as your saving grace and put things in order for you. Hope that your guardian angel will always smile upon you, and protect you under her wings. Always have hope. Hope for the best out of life-s every moment. After all, hope is a very good thing.