Sunday 27 November 2011


   There are times in life when you confidently think that you have had it all figured out. That feeling somewhere deep down in your heart, a feeling that everything will turn out as good as it all looks in your head. The craving, that your constant prayers will be finally answered to, that your dreams will soon materialise without any hassles. That people of your own, will understand you better, accept you for who you really are. Respect what you really want.
 To get one step closer to achieving success. To successfully swim past trouble. To keep a promise. To put things in order. To sleep peacefully past twilight. we all have these desires.
   But you see, call it life, destiny, fate or whatever you want to call it; it is always out of your league. It always dwells away, far away from deduction, science and mere guesses. It has got other plans for you. Even if it has to agree to your deepest desires, it has it's own way of obliging. All it takes is one swig of reality to bring you back out of your fantasy world, and make you face the music- the truth. The world where everything was once sugar coated, finally dissolves.
But it is at these moments of life that you are tested. This is when you have to gather up your guts,your bravery and loads of patience. They say things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. Except, its not always in the way we expect them to. Until then, you'll just have to wait in constant hope. 
   Hope that everything is going to be just fine in the end. Hoping that your lost treasure will be found in some dark corner that you haven't searched yet. Hoping that someone will come along as your saving grace and put things in order for you. Hope that your guardian angel will always smile upon you, and protect you under her wings. Always have hope. Hope for the best out of life-s every moment. After all, hope is a very good thing. 


  1. Little did I know, that, when you sat sulking next to our classroom window, this is what you'd create!
    From now on, I promise never to yell at you when you do that again. For, this is beyond brilliance! :)
    P.S: I love the writer in you now. More! ;) :*

  2. I am speechless ma chere! This is indeed well written... well hope is a good thing! Indeed! :)Keep writing! :) Here's a cheers to you for starting!! :)

  3. Ohhh and Brinda...I'm sure you'll grin at this... Guess the word I got for the google word attention to post my comment.. ;) 'emmmas'... ;) ;)

  4. Gree-haha!:D this is nothing compared to the poems you write!!:)
    Jyottsnaa -:D gee:)thanks:) just so you know, you are among the inspirational few, that led to the creation of this blog:) so thank you:)<3
    haha:D emmmas?:D:D

  5. Awesome Babe!!! My new *MOTIVATIONAL MANTRA*!! :) :*

  6. Greeshma & Brinda.. Enough of mutual appreciation..!! :P Anyway.. Brinda.. I think you have got some talent in you..!! The thoughts are very deep..!! :D Keep going..!! :D (Btw.. You copied the line " Hope is a good thing" from the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" nooo..?? :D :D NewaZ.. the poems are great..!!

  7. I like the way you have written :) But don't you think hope always lies in the future and the future doesnt exist? But dear, I must say, you have put it together very well :)

  8. @Shalini- :) thank you:)
    @Rahul - oh yes i did! Greeshma had watched the movie the day before i wrote this, and i could not think of a better way to conclude this:)
    @Shruthi - yes, like i said, the future is uncertain.. all you can do is hope for the best!:)
    and if you are hopeful enough, that will motivate you to sculpt the future you want to:) so i think the future does exist, after all:)
    @Neha - you are very sweet:) thanks you so much:)

  9. This is a lovely read, Brinda!

    When the sugar coating dissolves and we have to swallow that bitter pill of life, transformation begins. We can either choose to let it make us or break us.

    It would be heavenly if we could "swim past trouble" (love that!) but life is about pain and gain too :)

  10. @Manoj- thanks for visiting:) and commenting:)i am glad you love it:)
    @Fiona- Thanks Fiona, for visiting:)
    yes, life is about pain and gain, but hope is what sails you through it:)

  11. Awwww I'm humbled!! I am very happy to hear that and glad to be on the inspirational list! ;) But you are a better writer. I am going to have your autograph penned sometime soon before the mob doesn't let me come an inch near you. :D :D I am really really proud of you!! Of just the fact of having known you! :) :) <3 <3 *hugs*

  12. my autograph? hahaha :D see what i mean when i said you're inspiring?:D *wink*
    <3 *hugs back tight*:)

  13. Haha too much Emotional drama I say! :P Yeah but that is! ;) <3 <3 <3 No more thanks and all! :D :D

  14. that's not "hope"less at all!!brilliant stuff!!! never knew you had a flair for writing..

  15. thanks Karthik, for visiting:) and about writing, i didn't think i did either:) i am only starting:)
