Friday 16 December 2011

The Fountain of Hope

One sultry summer's evening,
That time the sun was blushing red, and was setting,
I sat by myself, thinking hard on the park bench,
I gave up, I let all my hopes drench.

I looked up and saw, that on another bench nearby,
There sat a couple, it seemed, that to them, love had easily come by,
She said I love you, and hugged him,
His eyes, of illimited joy, filled up to their brim.

I sat there watching them, as they walked,
Along the border of the fountain in the park,
He held her hand tight, and both of them closed their eyes,
I could see they were desperate, nervousness filled their sighs.

They kissed a coin, and tossed it,
Into the fountain; and to its bottom, it softly hit,
They lingered around, and looked at the water, fall,
They knew, this wish of theirs was their only hope, this was all.

Then, the couple left and I sat wondering,
What was it they wanted so much? Was it a person? Was it a thing?
I hastily made my way up to the fountain there,
I saw numerous coins in it, I laughed at how absurd people were.

After a few weeks, however, I saw,
The same couple, in the park, again, happy to the edge of awe
The woman, now blissfully sported a little bump on her belly,
She clutched on to her husband's hands and walked with grace, carefully.

The husband held onto her as if she were a precious gem,
I could not suppress a smile, as I sat and looked at them,
I shook my head in awe, and saw,
the love in their eyes, purely raw.

After some more months flew by, like a lark,
The couple again, presented themselves near the park,
This time they were adorned, by a little bundle in between
The woman's arms; she looked very excited, delighted as ever and keen. 

I realised how their wish had come true,
The couple, seemed more than glad, to go to three, from two,
I saw excited and happy faces as I looked around, and noted,
The faces of others in the park, of excitement and happiness bloated.

With utter bewilderment, I remembered the number of coins in the fountain that had been tossed,
I suddenly clung on to the my dreams that I had long lost,
I stood abruptly and ran up to the fountain,
I kissed a coin, prayed with all the might in my veins, and threw it in.

I stood there looking at all the coins underneath,
There lay my dreams, along with the other's, beneath,
The fountain of hope, they called it,
To me, a realm of new pathways it lit.

The idea of it now, to me was not absurd at all,
Instead, it meant the dawn of hopes and dreams that now stood tall.
As I thought how amazing it was that someone's belief,
Had strengthened my own hopes; I breathed a sigh of relief.

The fountain of hope, they called it,
And as I anxiously waited for my dreams to unfold, I laughed at my narrowed wit.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


I felt very weak, very vulnerable
I felt stuck, frustrated, and times were despicable,
I felt persuasive dismay, followed closely by hopelessness,
I felt fragile, yet stuffed with emptiness.

I was a victim of threat and fright
I felt lame, as I was forced into an undesirable plight
I was denied of what was most rightfully mine,
All I could do was complain and whine.

My realm of possibilities now lay dreadfully drenched and sloppy,
My dreams, ruthlessly crushed and smothered under a wicked canopy,
I was deprived of what I genuinely deserved
I was struck hard every time, no matter how smartly I swerved.

I rubbished the entire notion of luck and faith,
And gave myself into the engulfing wrath,
The once ambitious focused, and hopeful 'me',
Now gave up, and let the intricacies be.

Times were troubled and hopes alone wouldn't suffice,
I saw myself crying at the travesty of justice
I felt like I would never taste happiness and love,
I foresaw the prevalence of periods of ordeal somehow

I found myself in such trashy state of affairs,
I always faced dead ends, locked doors, and unanswered prayers,
My once opulent heart was now left derelict,
The rude wind harshly blew out the bright candles of hope that I lit.

I was a sufferer of satirical taunts,
The memory of remorse threateningly haunts,
I listened to their pitiless trenchant often,
All my strength was forced to soften.

There I lay desperate for warmth against the pressing cold,
Desperate for mirth, desperate for my old self, poised and bold,
For a kiss of hope I would never get, for a gasp of faith, and something new,
For a change of sorts, for some kind of disguised virtue.

But the time refused to alter and remained as itself, I was blown.
And for sometime in my life, till now, I felt all alone.

Monday 5 December 2011


  They come, and they go. Some stay, while some may. Some help you unexpectedly, others just expect favours from you. Some surprise you with their wit. Others with their stupidity! Some fly you to the joys of the heaven and some just drag you down to hell. They deplore of your feelings and jeer at you, jealously. While others lay their hands on you and pull you up from depths of despair. Some make jibes that are abhor-able. Some send out vibes that are adorable. Some jolt your jaws while they make you laugh, others just make you want to barf. Some simply dote on you, while others may despise you. Some kiss you sweetly while others will kiss and tell immediately! Some are plain, some are tacky. Some think straight, some whacky. Some are famous for they are love fanatics while others are infamous for their infidelity. 
  Of all these people and more, you will find only a hand few who always are by your side no matter what happens. You may find these people in the forms of a best friend, or parents or even your better halves who always know you better than you know yourselves. It is just amazing that you come across so many people in your life. So many acquaintances, each, from a different upbringing, from a different culture, and palpably, different thinking. It just matters that they all came into your life, at times unexpected, and made fun memories for you to keep, or memories for you to learn from. They all were, are and will be a part of your life for a reason, which you will know sooner or later. You just have to be patient, and wait. The wait may just pay off and you might end up re-discovering yourself. Or you might just end up with that one person with whom you may spend the rest of your life with!

  You never know. You never know what might happen, the next moment. Such is the uncertainty of life. It is just fair that you live each moment and enhance relationships around you. Relationships with others and most importantly! the relationship with you, which you will share till you breath your last.